Terms of Trade
Terms of Trade Evolve Education
ABN 27 828 486 323
15 th July 2021
Our terms of trade are set out below. They govern our business relationship with distributors of our educational products.
Application of terms of trade
These terms apply to all trade of the Apple and the iPhone Business Case Study (2022 edition) between distributors and Evolve Education Australia.
These terms are effective from the above date until these Terms of trade are replaced by another document.
Basis on which trader is prepared to trade
Evolve Education Australia is prepared to trade in the Apple and the iPhone Business Case Study (2022 edition) with insert distributors under these terms
The goods
The relevant goods that pertain to these terms of trade include:
The Apple and the iPhone Business Case Study (2022 edition)
Copyright: The distributor acknowledges Evolve Education Australia’s absolute right to copyright on the production of the Apple and the iPhone Business Case Study (2022 edition) and understands that no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, leased, communicated or transmitted in any form or by any means. This book is not to be treated as a blackline master; that is, any photocopying beyond fair dealing requires prior written permission.
Proposed date of publication: October/November 2021
Author: Amanda Larkin
Publisher: Evolve Education Australia
ISBN: 978-0-646-84429-9
Description of contents: An interesting and highly relevant case study on Apple’s leading product, the iPhone. A great resource for capturing student interest and comprehensively covering all four topics of the current HSC Business Studies syllabus and IB Business Management course.
PO Box 360 Seaforth NSW 2092 P 0416 947 095 E sales@evolve-education.com.au W www.evolve-education.com.au
Physical description: The case study is a 100-page, full colour document that is spiral bound with protective front and back covers.
The price (Distributor prices):
1-5 copies: $35
6-19 copies: $32.50
20 copies or more: $30.50
Postage and handling: $7 per copy Maximum $20 per order
The Apple and the iPhone Business Case Study (2021 edition) will be released in October/November 2021. Pre-orders can be placed from 15 th July 2021.
Orders may be placed online (www.evolve-education.com.au) or by purchase order if an invoice is required. Payment is to be made within 30 days of the date of invoice, being when the order is sent.
Payment options include by credit card or PayPal for online orders. Invoices may be paid by direct deposit, PayPal or cheque.
The Apple and the iPhone Business Case Study (2022 edition) will be released in October/November 2021. Pre-orders can be placed from 15 th July 2021. Once the publication has been released, orders will be sent without delay. Orders will be delivered within 2-3 working days in the Sydney metropolitan area. Orders to regional NSW and interstate require 3-4 working days for delivery.
There is no policy for returning surplus stock of the Apple and the iPhone Business Case Study (2022 edition). Orders must be paid for within 30 days of receipt, or the date of invoice, whichever date is earlier.