A fantastic package of contemporary business case studies on 7 major global businesses.
Each case study is supported by review questions and extended response tasks.
This resource is sent electronically.
E-source Business Case Studies - Package 2
Robots at Work: technological, financial, economic and ethical influences on operations and human resource management with the growing adoption of robots in the workplace
Twitter: an analysis of the financial struggles faced by social media company Twitter, and the marketing and human resource strategies proposed by management to improve profitability and the return on owner’s equity
Deliveroo: the rise of the gig economy and new challenges for stakeholders in employment relations.
Electric Cars: influences and challenges for the highly competitive and evolving automobile industry
Hollywood, Made in China: the marketing and operations influences of Chinese regulators on Hollywood, and strategies to gain a greater share of the increasingly valuable Chinese flim industry.
Fortnite: marketing influences and strategies for success in the thriving video games industry.
Starbucks: An evaluation of the Starbucks' failed Race Together Campaign, where efforts to demonstrate CSR led to negative publicity and a mismatch between marketing and operations strategies.